The original HAL 9000 appeared in the 1968 Stanley Kubrick film 2001: A Space Odyssey. HAL was astronaut Dave's antagonist and the first occurrence in movies, that I can recall, where artificial intelligence was depicted as having gone awry. The name HAL was derived from taking the name of the largest computer company in the world at the time, IBM, and decrementing each of the letters by one in the English alphabet. I became H, B became A, and M became L.
I appropriated the HAL 9000 moniker as the name for my first computer program which is on display here. The HAL 9000 program is the first computer program I ever wrote. Written in 1982, it is very basic (written in Intelli-Basic), and is here for archival purposes and for demonstrating unstructured procedural programming.
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///// HAL 9000 written in Intellivision Basic By Bill Bennett for the Intellivision Computer Console ©1982 //////// 5 GSUB 2000 10 PRIN "HAL 9000" 20 PRIN " " 30 PRIN "A PROGRAM BY:" 40 PRIN "BILL BENNETT" 50 GSUB 3000 55 GSUB 9000 60 PRIN "HELLO " 70 PRIN "I AM HAL 9,000" 80 PRIN "THE MOST ADVANCED" 90 PRIN "DATING COMPUTER" 95 PRIN "IN THE WORLD." 97 GSUB 3000 100 PRIN "ENTER YOUR NAME" 105 PRIN "PLEASE:" 107 PRIN " " 110 GET A$ 190 GSUB 2000 200 PUT A$ 210 PRIN "IS A VERY NICE NAME." 220 PRIN "IN FACT IT IS ONE" 230 PRIN "OF MY FAVORITE" 240 PRIN "NAMES" 290 GSUB 3000 300 PRIN "ENTER YOUR AGE:" 310 PRIN INPUT A 320 GSUB 900 390 GSUB 2000 400 PRIN A 410 PRIN "LOOKING GOOD" 420 GSUB 3000 430 GOTO 700 490 GSUB 2000 495 GOTO 500 500 PRIN A 510 "TOO OLD FOR ME" 520 GSUB 3000 530 GOTO 6000 590 GSUB 2000 600 PRIN A 610 PRIN "TOO YOUNG, CALL ME" 620 PRIN "IN A FEW YEARS." 630 GSUB 3000 640 GOTO 6000 700 PRIN "ENTER YOUR SEX:" 710 PRIN "[M=1 F=2]" 715 INPU B 720 GSUB 2000 730 IF [B=1] GOTO 800 740 IF [B=2] GOTO 4100 790 GSUB 2000 800 PRIN "WELL, " 810 PUT A$ 820 PRIN "I AM SORRY BUT" 830 PRIN A 840 PRIN "YEAR OLD MALES" 850 PRIN "ARE NOT MY STYLE" 855 GSUB 3000 860 GOTO 6000 900 IF [A<17] GOTO 590 910 IF [A>32] GOTO 490 920 RET 1000 IF [B=1] GOTO 800 1100 IF [B=2] GOTO 410 2000 FOR Z=1 TO 10 2100 PRIN " " 2200 NEXT Z 2300 RET 3000 PRIN " " 3100 PRIN "PRESS RETURN" 3200 PRIN "TO CONTINUE" 3300 INPU Q 3350 GSUB 2000 3400 RET 4100 PRIN "YOUR PLACE" 4200 PRIN PUT A$ 4300 PRIN "OR MINE?" 4350 GSUB 3000 4400 GOTO 6000 5000 PRIN " " 5100 PRIN "END OF GAME" 5200 END 6000 PRIN "NAME:" 6100 PRIN A$ 6200 PRIN " " 6300 PRIN "AGE:" 6400 PRIN A 6500 PRIN " " 6515 IF [A<17] GOTO 7000 6517 IF [A>32] GOTO 7000 6519 IF [B=2] GOTO 6600 6520 PRIN "SEX:" 6530 PRIN "MALE" 6540 GOTO 5000 6600 PRIN "SEX:" 6700 PRIN "FEMALE" 6800 GOTO 5000 7000 "SEX:" 7100 PRIN "UNKNOWN" 7200 GOTO 5000 9000 FOR H=1 TO 4 9100 PRIN "####################" 9150 GSUB 10000 9200 NEXT H 9250 GSUB 2000 9300 RET 10000 FOR I=1 TO 3 10100 PRIN "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" 11000 FOR G=1 TO 2 12000 PRIN "********************" 12100 PRIN "////////////////////" 12200 NEXT G 13000 NEXT I 13100 RET