Commodore 64
The Commodore 64 was first announced at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, NV on January 7 of 1982. It used an 8-bit MOS 6502 microprocessor. It could be connected to a television or a RGB monitor connected via a proprietary cable. It also featured th ability to plug in cartridges in the back of the console or access and stored programs from a 5 1/4" external floppy disk drive.
By Evan-Amos - Own work, Public Domain, Link
MOS 6502 microprocessor.
It was on the Commodore 64 that I was introduced to databases. I stumbled across the Pro-line Profile 64 software at a computer store in San Bernardino. When I read what it could do for me, I was sold. A bit pricey nearing $100 in cost, but I had a strong feeling that it was what I was looking for, a way to organize lists of information and generate reports from the data.
Commodore History Part 1- The PET
Commodore History Part 2 - The VIC 20
Commodore History Part 3 - The Commodore 64 (complete)
Commodore History Part 4 - The Plus4, C16, and C116
Commodore History Part 5 - The C128
Commodore History Part 6 - The PC Compatibles
Commodore History Part 7 - Disk Drives
Commodore History Part 8-The Amiga 1000
A Look at the Commodore 64 : The Ultimate C64 Documentary You've Been Waiting For!!!
How It Was Made: THE COMMODORE 64 factory tour
FOUND: A Super-Rare Commodore D9090!
Commodore 64 Chip Designer Interview: Albert Charpentier
Commodore 64 Restoration and new retrobrite technique.
Using a Commodore 64 on the modern internet!
This Century's First 100% New Commodore 64!
Commodore MEGA 65 Unboxing, History & Teardown!
Commodore 64 Getting Started & Buying Guide 2023!
Building a new C64 in 2020
My First Time with the Commodore 64
Business Software